Coach Jackie

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

June 12, 20241 min read

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

You need to learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

As a movement specialist, and seeing over 100+ members per week, the level of their effort is a direct correlation to how comfortable they are being uncomfortable.

The human body can tolerate a lot. But when the heart rate rises, and muscles are burning, we tend to start getting uncomfortable and quit. Well, that’s not how get stronger, more balanced, more agile, and more fit works. You have to push a bit into uncomfortable to see fitness gains.

That’s just a fact. Go a little faster, lift a little more, push a bit harder. This is why I personally have a trainer.

Left on my own, I may not push as hard as I need to. So, the next time you’re in the gym - just push a bit more. Dig in and find that inner strength. It’s mind over matter.

And if you need help…..well, just message me. I know EFW can help.

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We specialize in fitness and wellness for active aging adults over 45.