
The Key to Maximizing Your Core Training

May 10, 2023โ€ข3 min read

Fun fact: On average we take about 22,000 breaths a day.

And you're saying, okay JB, what does that have to do with maximizing my core training? 

Well, hang on.  I'll get you there. 

Let me ask you.  Have you ever been in pain and had a professional tell you if you strengthen your core it will help with your pain? ๐Ÿฅบ

Or, have you busted your "abs" in hopes of having a leaner-looking midsection? ๐Ÿคจ

Despite your reason for doing core exercises, consider this quote by singer David Allen Coe: 

"it is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it's the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time." 

Let's consider the quote for a moment while I help you understand your core foundation. 

You have your "see" muscles. These are superficial muscles that you can see and touch. You know, the muscles that you refer to as your "sixpack" muscles.

Additionally, you have several core muscles below those "see" muscles that you cannot "see". 

Let's explore one of the deeper core muscles that when not working correctly will impact a lot of other areas in the body.

This muscle is your diaphragm muscle (see pic below).  It is a round dome-shaped muscle located deep inside your trunk and it separates your upper body (thorax) from your abdominal area. 

It sits inside your rib cage and attaches to your ribs, breastbone, and spine. It is the primary muscle of respiration. When you inhale, it flattens, returning to a dome shape as you exhale.

The mechanism of the diaphragm movement helps: 

1: draw air into your lungs - giving flexibility to your rib cage
2: move and massage your abdominal organs
3: create pressure in your abdomen to support your spine

Think of your diaphragm as one of your deepest core muscles.  

This critical muscle is often overlooked when we receive advice to strengthen our core! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I bet at some point you've Googled core exercises to improve your core and the list might include stuff like crunches, planks, bird dogs, and supermans. 

All exercises we've heard of before and also performed right?!

And if you are an EFW member you've done at least a few from that list.

Anyway let's get back to the diaphragm which blends through your connective tissue known as fascia that in-turn connects to other deep core muscles. 

I won't bore you with all those names today, but one you are familiar with is your pelvic floor. 

When you can train the diaphragm to work well by learning to breath three-dimensionally, you will build the deep core system down to your hips!  โ†•๏ธ

What is so, so cool is that while training the diaphragm to work well you are also training it to be efficient.  And breathing efficiently in addition to breathing well equates to a sustainable core system. โœ…

When you stop breathing correctly you will begin to take away your stability.  That's right!  Breathing and stability go hand and hand!

And when we use cues for posture or exercise such as:
pull your abdominals in, squeeze your glutes, lift your chest or chin, or pull your shoulders down or in it makes it harder to breath.  Don't believe me?

Try it:
Stand-up and pull your abs in then squeeze your tush and lift your chin upward a little. Try and take a breath. 

Wow! Not very good feeling is it? ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

So you see, the real key to maximizing your core training is to train core muscles for what they should do. 

The diaphragm and the muscles it blends into make up your deep core muscle system. Getting those deeper core muscles to work well is the first step in having the core of your dreams. 

Incorporate three-dimensional breathing as the basis for all exercises and your overall exercise program will improve a bunch. 

It will provide stability for your spine, trunk, and hips and make every exercise a core exercise.

Ready to learn more? Reach out. I'd love to help you breath better so that you can improve your overall movement. 

Trust me! Your body will LOVE IT! โค๏ธ


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