posture picture

What is Good Posture

May 08, 20232 min read

Last week I had a few clients ask me about posture doing our training session.

Generally this is because the cues that I use to help clients find their optimal movement pattern can be quite different from other gyms and trainers.  

Posture comes into question when the cues I use seem to help the client feel good in their body and often are counterintuitive to what they’ve been told to do their entire lives.  

Do you remember being told to stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, lift your chest, pull your abs in, squeeze your glutes, or something similar?

Many of us have become very good at any or all of the above. So good that we use these same cues when exercising, standing, sitting, driving, etc.

So what is the problem with this type of posture?

There are a few things, and some of them are pretty big!

These postures make it hard to breathe. Don't believe me? 

Give it a try. Lift your chest, pull your shoulder back, squeeze your glutes and try to take a breath.

Now let that all relax and take a breath. The latter is much easier because there is more space for the breath.

When we squeeze all these muscles, there is less room for the diaphragm muscle to move and help draw breath into our lungs.

2. These postures take a lot of energy. When you assume these postures, you use a lot of large muscles like the abdominals, glutes, lats, erectors, and more.  

So what is good posture?

Optimal posture should be sustainable and efficient. 

If you struggle with back, hip, neck or shoulder discomfort and know you tend towards these postures above, I encourage you to stop using them.

That is harder than it sounds. Initially, clients report feeling as though they are slouching or leaning too far forward when they start changing their posture.

Check out my alternate cues which take less energy (see graphic below). 

Our posture is a sum of habits for good or bad. 

And we all know habits can be hard to break.

Stay consistent, and don't be too hard on yourself. 

To stay consistent, I recommend either a timer to reset your posture or, each time you get up from your chair or move to a new activity, use that time to set your softer posture.

As a former butt squeezer, shoulder puller backer, ab puller inner and chest lifter, the effort is worth it to breathe better, have more energy, and move more freely through my joints.

Have questions about changing your posture to be more efficient and sustainable?  Or how to use these cues during everyday life or exercise?

Reach out. 

Enjoy your day!


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Evolution Fitness & Wellness

We specialize in fitness and wellness for active aging adults over 45.